What You Can Expect at an Infant Well Check at 1–2 Weeks

Regular well-child checkups play a crucial role in a child’s development. During a newborn well-baby exam, a pediatrician assesses your child’s physical and emotional health. This process identifies key developmental milestones, allowing for immediate intervention if a problem is discovered. If you are preparing for the birth of your child or have a newborn, let’s take a look at what happens during a well check at one to two weeks of age.

A baby at an infant well check appointment being checked by the doctor

Main Habits and Milestones for a 1–2 Week Old Baby

The first weeks of parenthood are a time of significant adjustment, filled with many questions about your newborn’s health and development. When you attend an infant well check at one to two weeks, you can address any concerns and gain essential insights into your baby’s growth, feeding habits and overall well-being.

Healthy Habits

  • Always use a rear-facing infant car seat placed in the center of the back seat.
  • Never leave a baby unattended – this includes pets.
  • Set the hot water thermostat at less than 120 degrees F.
  • Make sure smoke detectors are in place and working.
  • Avoid sun exposure to the baby’s tender skin.

Parenting a Newborn

  • Hold, cuddle, talk to, sing to and rock your baby as much as you can. A lot of your infant’s development depends on his or her interaction with you. Enjoy the time they are awake. Every touch stimulates the baby’s brain. Holding the baby in a “feeding position” when they are awake helps them associate your face with your smell and voice.
  • Crying is how babies communicate so responding to them every time they cry at this age promotes healthy bonding. Hungry cries are usually accompanied by hunger signals like lip smacking, rooting or turning toward your body. Gassy cries often involve bringing their legs up to their stomachs. Sometimes, babies cry due to colic or overstimulation. This link provides some ideas for soothing strategies.
  • You should make sure YOU get enough rest. Take a nap when your baby naps. Encourage Dad and other family members to help care for your baby so you can rest. If you feel overwhelmed, frustrated or angry, find a safe place and put the baby down. Take a “time out” to get calm and get help.

Feeding Your 2-Week-Old Infant

  • Make feeding a pleasant time for the entire family. Babies thrive on affection and touching that is a part of the feeding process.
  • Learn the “hunger” signs most babies will show when they are hungry – they will often root, make smacking noises with their lips or simulate sucking when they are hungry.
  • Breastfeed or give iron-fortified formula unless otherwise directed by the doctor – newborn babies should not drink water or whole milk.
  • Solely breastfed babies should receive Vitamin D supplementation daily until they are 6 months old.
  • Know that your baby’s feeding habits will vary from day to day. Babies this age generally have between 1-3 ounces/every 4-6 hours.
  • Once your milk is in, breastfed babies should be fed about 15-20 min on each side – pre-pumping about 3-5 min before putting the baby to the breast sometimes help make initial feedings easier.
  • Most infants will feed every 4 hours including overnight.
  • Do not bottle prop, or put the bottle in bed.
  • Never give an infant honey.
  • Do not microwave breast milk or formula for feedings.
  • This link provides great information on breastfeeding.

Sleep Habits for an Infant

  • Always put your baby to sleep on his or her back.
  • Most infants sleep for the majority of the day.
  • Sleep patterns vary from baby to baby – babies start exhibiting what sleep pattern is “normal for them” around 3-4 weeks of age.
  • Avoid rocking your baby to sleep or holding them until they fall asleep. Babies need to learn to fall asleep on their own. Put them to bed when they are drowsy but awake.
  • Click on this link for sleep safety tips.

Milestones for a Newborn

  • The field of vision is expanding (now sees 8-12 inches). Will love bright lights and faces.
  • Will startle with loud noises.
  • Sucking will be the main way infants at this age explore their world.
  • Will begin to lift their head off the bed like a turtle.
  • Great developmental guidelines are in this link.

When to Call the Doctor for Your Newborn Infant

Choosing a pediatrician you feel comfortable with is essential for both the immediate and the long-term care of your child. You can read our tips for selecting a Cumming newborn pediatrician to help in your search.

  • Anything that bothers you is important to your child’s pediatrician. That’s our job!
  • If your baby has a fever (over 100.2 degrees F rectally)
  • If your baby is not gaining weight
  • If there is excessive vomiting, especially if it is forceful
  • If your baby is uninterested in eating
  • If your baby is irritable or lethargic
  • If your baby develops any unusual skin rashes

Immunizations for a 2-Week-Old Baby

The first Hepatitis B vaccine should be given if it wasn’t given in the hospital.

Contact Us for Infant Well Checks in Cumming

Vickery Pediatrics provides infant well check examinations and sick care visits in Cumming. Our skilled pediatricians deliver expert care for children of all ages in Cumming, Buford, Dawsonville, Gainesville, Johns Creek, Sugar Hill, Suwanee and Forsyth County. For more information, call (678) 990-2501 or request an appointment today.

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Well-Child Checkups

Wellness checkups monitor your child’s development, keep immunizations up-to-date and ensure quality preventive pediatric medical care.

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Newborn babies require specialized pediatric care. With us you’ll get friendly guidance, diligent screenings and comprehensive care.

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